The Gramkalyan Lower Secondary School, is situated in the remote village of Naung, Lamjung. This School has been teaching the youth of this region right up to middle school level for a number of decades. Every spring/summer due to extreme winds, the makeshift tin roof constantly blows off and the Villagers have been coping with a school that is in great disrepair; which often does not even offer the little shelter that a galvanised roof might offer and ultimately leaves the school with no shelter; a school that is s definitely not a fit place to teach children, the health and lives of these young children and youths are at risk. Mid last year, The School’s Management Group approached the MIT Group Foundation for financial assistance to ask for help to repair the tin roof which had again blown off.
MIT Group Foundation believes in promoting Education for the betterment of the young; and so it was decided that the school needed much more. MIT Group Foundation donated NPR 50 million to construct a new school, which would be more secure and permanent; a school that offers the children and youth a better and stable building in which they can concentrate on what they are being taught; rather than the possible risk to their lives. It has allowed them to attend school during all seasons, feeling safe and proud of their new and magnificent school that offers them a great learning environment.
It is the Foundation’s hope that this gift to these children and youth will incite them to better themselves and study to get along in life. The Foundation hopes that they can achieve their goals and hope that they can feel proud of the school they are attending, and that they look forward to learning and going to school every day.